“I remember in the beginning when we opened that little school, the first school in the slums, the children used to ask, “When is morning?” “Look out for the Sisters.”
Mother Teresa
At the beginning of her mission in the slums of Calcutta,
Mother Teresa began by going into the homes and seeing the
“children who had never been to school and no school wanted
them.” She gathered a group of “little street children” (in the
slums of Calcutta) and started teaching them under a tree. Her
desire was to teach the children “purely for the love of God”
and to “give the poor what the rich get with money.”
This humble beginning was the first endeavor of the
Missionaries of Charity to improve the education
among the poorest of the poor. Soon after our first slum school
began. From that time the Missionaries of Charity had opened
numerous free slum schools, where the children were prepared
for admission to regular schools